Debby is a mother of 8, a grandmother of 19 and a career-USAF wife. When it came to the education of her children, Debby was a hands-on mom and ensured her children had a Christ-centered education from a biblical worldview.

As the USAF moved her husband, Greg, she engaged the local school systems in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Ohio. To provide stability during the frequent USAF moves, she homeschooled her children. She developed her own curriculum and taught at all levels, elementary through senior high.

When her family settled in Garden Plain, Kansas, she spent 3 years as a substitute teacher for the elementary schools in her district. Additionally, she founded the Wichita Falls Home School Co-op and established an orderly system for home schooling parents to provide a well-rounded education to their children.

Her experience has given her a passion for empowerment of parents, school choice, and curriculum. In anticipation of running for this office, Debby has been attending state board of education meetings in Topeka throughout the last 3 years, building contacts and learning the state processes.

She hopes to join the BOE to amplify the voice of the parents as they raise and educate their children in Kansas’ school systems.