Empower parents and local communities, keep education decisions at the Local School Board level
Article 6 of the Kansas Constitution states,
“The legislature shall provide for a state board of education which shall have GENERAL supervision of public schools..” and additionality , “Local public schools under the general supervision of the state board of education shall be MAINTAINED, DEVELOPED and OPERATED by locally elected boards.” Local School Boards have the power to shape how the local public schools are operated.
Parent’s and communities have a voice, and they must exercise that voice by voting for local school board members that represent the values of their community. In turn, our public schools will reflect the values of our communities.
Debby is passionate about clarifying the role and reach of parents, local boards and the State Board of Education. Debby will advance policies that limit the reach of the State Board of Education and enhance local control.
2023 Statute
Statute | Kansas State Legislature (kslegislature.org)