
6. What are your views on School Choice?

I’ve been attending State Board of Education meetings over the last three plus years. I’ve [...]
Debby Potter 3 comments

5. How do I know if I am in State School District 10?

Answer: If you are in State Senate Districts 16,26,27 or 32, you are in State [...]
Debby Potter 2 comments

4. What resources are there for better understanding the role of a local school board in Kansas education?

Go to the Kansas School Board Resource Center, – they have great workshops – [...]
Debby Potter no comments

3. How do I see a sample ballot so I am prepared for the August 6th primary?

Click this link, and enter your address, and you will be presented with a sample [...]
Debby Potter 7 comments

2. I hear that Special Education (SPED) is not fully funded. Will you push for more funding?

Per the Kansas State Supreme Court, the Kansas Legislature has fully funded education – including [...]
Debby Potter 4 comments

1. Do you support more money for education?

Answer: The Kansas State Supreme Court closed the school funding lawsuit earlier this year, recognizing [...]
Debby Potter 6 comments