7. How familiar are you with the amount of federal funding for public education District 10 receives and what are the requirements schools must meet to receive this federal funding? Do you believe the federal government should concern itself in public education here in the state of Kansas?

E.D.C, I do not know the breakdown of federal funds specifically sent to District 10. This is something that, should I get on the SBOE I could access by asking the staff to provide me that information (along with the requirements that go with those funds). To the point of your second question, I believe that the strings attached to federal funding are often designed in such a way as to diminish the power of the parents to choose the education they want for their children. In order for parents and teachers to work together to educate children to that best experience for each specific child, there must be variety of educational experiences available to for parents to choose from (and in the same way for teachers to choose to teach). It is easy for us to think about the individual values that a family may want instilled in their child’s education, but it’s also important that teachers be able to teach in an atmosphere that allows them to teach from their talents and convictions as well. Education works best when the teacher believes in and loves what they are teaching, and the parents believe in and love what the teacher is teaching their child. The federal government is an outside intrusion into this relationship imo.


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